
Time-resolved momentum microscopy with fs-XUV photons at high repetition rates with flexible energy and time resolution
K. J. Schiller, L. Sternemann, M. Stupar, A. Omar, M. Hoffmann, J. E. Nitschke, V. Mischke, D. M. Janas, S. Ponzoni, G. Zamborlini, C. J. Saraceno & M. Cinchetti
Scientific Reports volume 15, Article number: 3611 (2025)

Time-Resolved Measurements of Cumulative Effects in Gas Dynamics Induced by High-Repetition-Rate Femtosecond Laser Filamentation
R. Löscher, M. C. Schroeder, A. Omar, C. J. Saraceno

Ytterbium-laser-driven THz generation in thin lithium niobate at 1.9 kW average power in a passive enhancement cavity
E. Suerra, F. Canella, D. Giannotti, M. Khalili, Y. Wang, K. Hasse, S. Suntsov, D. Kip, C. J. Saraceno, S. Cialdi, G. Galzerano

High-Dynamic Range Broadband Terahertz Time-Domain Spectrometer Based on Organic Crystal MNA
S. Mansourzadeh, T. Vogel, A. Omar, M. F. Biggs, E. S.-H. Ho, C. Hoberg, D. J. Michaelis, M. Havenith, J. A. Johnson, C. J. Saraceno
Arxiv (2024)

High peak-power 2.1-μm femtosecond Holmium amplifier at 100 kHz
A. Suzuki, B. Kassai, Y. Wang, A. Omar, R. Löscher, S. Tomilov, M. Hoffmann, C. J. Saraceno
Arxiv (2024)

High-power single-cycle THz emission from large-area photoconductive emitters at 400 kHz
M. Khalili, Y. Wang, S. Winnerl, C. J. Saraceno
Arxiv (2024)

Multi-Milliwatt Average Power Two-Colour Air-Plasma Terahertz Source at 100 kHz Repetition Rate
R. Löscher, M. Schroeder, T. Vogel, A. Omar, A. Hasso, C. Hoberg, M. Havenith-Newen, C. J. Saraceno
Optica Open (2024)

Balanced air-biased detection of terahertz waveforms
A. H. Ohrt, O. Nagy, R. Löscher, C. J. Saraceno, B. Zhou, P. U. Jepsen
Optics Letters Vol. 49, Issue 18, pp. 5220-5223 (2024)

Advanced Data Processing of THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy Data with Sinusoidally Moving Delay Lines
T. Vogel, C. J. Saraceno
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (Springer) (2024)

Time-resolved momentum microscopy with fs-XUV photons at high repetition rates with flexible energy and time resolution
K. Schiller, M. Stupar, L. Sternemann, A. Omar, M. Saraceno, J. Nitschke, V. Mischke, D. Janas, S. Ponzoni, G. Zamborlini, C. J. Saraceno, M. Cinchetti
Optica Open (2024)

A pitfall in autocorrelation measurements of laser radiation
T. Fiehler, C. J. Saraceno, G. Steinmeyer U. Wittrock
Optics Express Vol. 32, Issue 21, pp. 36811-36823 (2024)

Single-cycle, 643-mW average power THz source based on tilted pulse front in lithium niobate
T. Vogel, S. Mansourzadeh, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Letters Vol. 49, Issue 16, pp. 4517-4520 (2024)

Microstructured large-area photoconductive terahertz emitters driven at high average power
M. Khalili, T. Vogel, Y. Wang, S. Mansourzadeh, A. Singh, S. Winnnerl, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 32, Issue 13, pp. 22955-22969 (2024)

Hybrid air-bulk multi-pass cell compressor for high pulse energies with full spatio-temporal characterization
A. Omar, M. Hoffmann, G. Galle, F. Sylla, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 32, Issue 8, pp. 13235-13248 (2024)

Diode-pumped 88-fs SESAM mode-locked Tm,Ho:CLNGG laser at 2090 nm 
A. Suzuki, Y. Wang, S. Tomilov, Z. Pan, C. J. Saraceno
Applied Physics Express Vol. 17 , Number 4 (2024)

GHz repetition rate, sub-100-fs Ho:CALGO laser at 2.1 um with watt-level average power
W. Yao, M. Khalili, Y. Wang, M. Hoffmann, M. van Delden, T. Musch, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Letters Vol. 49, Issue 6, pp. 1591-1594 (2024)

Performance of Photoconductive Receivers at 1030 nm Excited by High Average Power THz Pulses
T. Vogel, S. Mansourzadeh, U. Nandi, J. Norman, S. Preu, C. J. Saraceno
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology Vol. 14, Issue 2, pp. 139 - 151 (2024)

High-power intracavity single-cycle THz pulse generation using thin lithium niobate
Y. Wang, T. Vogel, M. Khalili, S. Mansourzadeh, K. Hasse, S. Suntsov, D. Kip, C. J. Saraceno
Optica Vol. 10, Issue 12, pp. 1719-1722 (2023)

High-power sub-picosecond filamentation at 1.03 µm with high repetition rates between 10 and 100 kHz
R. Löscher, V. Moreno, D. Adamou, D. K. Kesim, M. C. Schroeder, M. Clerici, J.-P. Wolf, C. J. Saraceno
APL Photonics 8, 111303 (2023)

Towards Intense Ultra-Broadband High Repetition Rate Terahertz sources based on Organis Crystals
S. Mansourzadeh, T. Vogel, A. Omar, T. O. Buchmann, E. J. R. Kelleher, P. U. Jepsen, C. J. Saraceno
Optical Materials Express Vol. 13, Issue 11, pp. 3287-3308 (2023)

Nonlinear pulse compression of a 200 mJ and 1 kW ultrafast thin-disk amplifier
Y. Pfaff, G. Barbiero, M. Rampp, S. Klingebiel, J. Brons, C. Y. Teisset, H. Wang, R. Jung, J. Jaksic, A. H. Woldegeorgis, M. Trunk, A. R. Maier, C. J. Saraceno, T. Metzger
Optics Express Vol. 31, Issue 14, pp. 22740-22756 (2023)

Temperature-Dependent THz Properties and Emission of Organic Crystal BNA
S. Mansourzadeh, T. Vogel, M. Shalaby, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 31, Issue 18, pp. 29480-29490 (2023)

Low-noise, 2-W average power, 112-fs Kerr-lens modelocked Ho:CALGO laser at 2.1 µm
W.Yao, Y. Wang, S. Ahmed, M. Hoffmann, M. van Delden, T. Musch, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Letters Vol. 48, Issue 11, pp. 2801-2804 (2023)

400 kHz repetition rate THz-TDS with 24 mW of average power driven by a compact industrial Yb-laser
C. Millon, S. Houver, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express; Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 7922-7932 (2023)

Spectral broadening of 2 mJ femtosecond pulses in a compact air-filled convex-concave multi-pass cell
A. Omar, T. Vogel, M. Hoffmann, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Letter;  Vol. 48, Issue 6, pp. 1458-1461 , 10.1364/OL.481774 (2023)

THz Systems Exploiting Photonics and Communications Technologies
J. C. Balzer, C. J. Saraceno, M. Koch, P. Kaurav, U. R. Pfeiffer, W. Withayachumnankul, T. Kürner, A. Stöhr, M. El-Absi, A. Al-Haj Abbas, T. Kaiser, A. Czylwik 
IEEE Journal of Microwaves; Volume: 3, Issue: 1 (2023)

Broadband, high power THz source at 540 kHz using organic crystal BNA
S. Mansourzadeh, T. Vogel, A. Omar, M. Shalaby, M. Cinchetti, C. J. Saraceno 
APL Photonics; Volume 8; Issue 1 (2023)

Enhancement of THz Generation in LiNbO3 Waveguides via Multi-Bounce Velocity Matching 
B. Dastrup, E. Sung, F. Wulf, C. J. Saraceno, K. Nelson
Light: Science & Applications volume 11, Article number: 335 (2022)  

8.7-W average power, in-band pumped femtosecond Ho:CALGO laser at 2.1 um
W.Yao, Y. Wang, S. Tomilov, M. Hoffmann, S. Ahmed, C. Liebald, D. Rytz, M. Peltz, V. Wesemann, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 23, pp. 41075-41083 (2022)

Temperature-independent non-linear terahertz transmission by liquid water
C. Millon, J. Schmidt, S. Ramos, E. P. van Dam, A. Buchmann, C. J. Saraceno, F. Novelli
AIP Advances 12, 115319 (2022)

50-W average power Ho:YAG SESAM-modelocked thin-disk oscillator at 2.1 um
S. Tomilov, Y. Wang, M. Hoffmann, J. Heidrich, M. Golling, U. Keller, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 15, pp. 27662-27673 (2022)

Average power scaling of THz spintronic emitters in reflection geometry
T. Vogel, A. Omar, S. Mansourzadeh, F. Wulf, N. Sabanés, M. Müller, T. Seifert, A. Weigel, G. Jakob, M. Kläui, I. Pupeza, T. Kampfrath, C. J. Saraceno 
Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 12, pp. 20451-20468 (2022)

THz generation with photoconductive emitters with a low-noise GHz repetition rate laser
F. Fobbe, T. Vogel, R. Kohlhaas, F. Wulf, B. Globisch, M. van Delden, B. Rudin, F. Emaury, T. Musch, C. J. Saraceno
Proc. SPIE 12000, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XV, 120000A (2022)

Nonlinear pulse compression of a thin-disk amplifier and contrast enhancement via nonlinear ellipse rotation
Y. Pfaff, C. Forster, G. Barbiero, M. Rampp, S. Klingebiel, J. Brons, C. Teisset, H. Wang, R. Jung, J. Jaksic, A. Woldegeorgis, C. J. Saraceno, T. Metzger
Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 7, pp. 10981-10990 (2022)

High-power modelocked thin-disk oscillators as potential technology for high-rate material processing
Y. Wang, S. Tomilov, C. J. Saraceno
Advanced Optical Technologies   (2021)

Milliwatt average power, MHz-repetition rate, broadband THz generation in organic crystal BNA with diamond substrate
S. Mansourzadeh, T. Vogel, M. Shalaby, F. Wulf, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 29, Issue 24, pp. 38946-38957 (2021)

Analysis of THz generation using the tilted pulse front geometry in the limit of small pulse energies and beam sizes
F. Wulf, M. Hoffmann, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 29, Issue 12, pp. 18889-18904 (2021)

Moving towards high-power thin-disk lasers in the 2-µm wavelength range
S. Tomilov, M. Hoffmann, Y. Wang, C. J. Saraceno
Journal of Physics: Photonics, Volume 3, Number 2 (2021)

High-power Lensless THz Imaging of Hidden Objects
S. Mansourzadeh, D. Damyanov, T. Vogel, F. Wulf, R. Kohlhaas, B. Globisch, T. Schultze, M. Hoffmann, J. C. Balzer, C. J. Saraceno
IEEE Access (2021)

Cryogenically cooled GaP for optical rectification at high excitation average powers
N. Hekmat, T. Vogel, Y. Wang, S. Mansourzadeh, F. Aslani, A. Omar, M. Hoffmann, F. Meyer, C. J. Saraceno
Optical Materials Express, Vol. 10, Issue 11, pp. 2768-2782 (2020)

Single-cycle, MHz-repetition rate THz source with 66 mW of average power
F. Meyer, T. Vogel, S. Ahmed, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Letters Vol. 45, Issue 9, pp. 2494-2497 (2020)

Milliwatt-class broadband THz source driven by a 112 W, sub-100 fs thin-disk laser
F. Meyer, N. Hekmat, T. Vogel, A. Omar, S. Mansourzadeh, F. Fobbe, M. Hoffmann, Y. Wang, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express Vol. 27, Issue 21, pp. 30340-30349 (2019)

Efficient nonlinear compression of modelocked thin-disk oscillator to 27-fs at 98 W average power
C-L. Tsai, F. Meyer, A. Omar, Y. Wang, A-Y. Liang, C-H. Lu, M. Hoffmann, S-D. Yang, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Letters Vol. 44, Issue 17, pp. 4115-4118 (2019)

The amazing progress of high-power ultrafast thin-disk lasers
C. J. Saraceno, D. Sutter, T. Metzger, M.A. Ahmed
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications volume 15, Article number: 15 (2019)

Optical rectification of a 100 W average power mode-locked thin-disk oscillator
F. Meyer, N. Hekmat, S. Mansourzadeh, F. Fobbe, F. Aslani, M. Hoffmann, and C. J. Saraceno
Opt. Lett. 43, 5909-5912 (2018)

Broadband terahertz pulse generation driven by an ultrafast thin-disk laser oscillator
C. Paradis, J. Drs, N. Modsching, O. Razskazovskaya, F. Meyer, C. Kränkel, C. J. Saraceno, V. J. Wittwer, and T. Südmeyer
Opt. Express 26, 26377-26384 (2018)

Mode-locked thin-disk lasers and their potential application for high-power terahertz generation
C. J. Saraceno,
(Invited Paper) J. Opt. 20, 044010 - Special Issue “Emerging Leaders” (2018)

Discrete similariton and dissipative soliton modelocking for energy scaling ultrafast thin-disk laser oscillators
F. Ö, Ilday, D. K. Kesim, M. Hoffmann, and C. J. Saraceno
(Invited Paper) - IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 24, 5, pp. 1-12 (2018)

Gas-lens effect in kW-class thin-disk lasers
A. Diebold, F. Saltarelli, I. J. Graumann, C. J. Saraceno, C. R. Phillips, and U. Keller
Opt. Express 26, 12648-12659 (2018)

Extreme ultraviolet light source at a megahertz repetition rate based on high-harmonic generation inside a mode-locked thin-disk laser oscillator
F. Labaye, M. Gaponenko, V. J. Wittwer, A. Diebold, C. Paradis, N. Modsching, L. Merceron, F. Emaury, I. J. Graumann, C. R. Phillips, C. J. Saraceno, C. Kränkel, U. Keller, and T. Südmeyer
Opt. Lett. 42, 5170-5173 (2017)

Peak-power scaling of femtosecond Yb:Lu2O3 thin-disk lasers
I. J. Graumann, A. Diebold, C. G. E. Alfieri, F. Emaury, B. Deppe, M. Golling, D. Bauer, D. Sutter, C. Kränkel, C. J. Saraceno, C. R. Phillips, and U. Keller
Opt. Express 25, 22519-22536 (2017)

High-power Yb:GGG thin-disk laser oscillator: first demonstration and power-scaling prospects
A. Diebold, Z. Jia, I. J. Graumann, Y. Yin, F. Emaury, C. J. Saraceno, X. Tao, and U. Keller
Optics Express 25, 1452-1462 (2017)

Improved SESAMs for femtosecond pulse generation approaching the kW average power regime
C. G. E. Alfieri, A. Diebold, F. Emaury, E. Gini, C. J. Saraceno, and U. Keller
Opt. Express 24, 27587-27599 (2016)

Optimized SESAMs for Kilowatt-Level Ultrafast Lasers
A. Diebold, T. Zengerle, C. G. E. Alfieri, C. Schriber, F. Emaury, M. Mangold, M. Hoffmann, C. J. Saraceno, M. Golling, D. Follman, G. D. Cole, M. Aspelmeyer, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller
Opt. Express 24, 10, 10512-10526 (2016)

Conference Contributions

IRMMW-THz 2024

Oral presentations:

  • High-repetition-rate Accumulation Effects in Airplasma THz Sources
    Presenter: Robin Löscher


MTSA 2024

Oral presentations:

  • Advanced 2.1µm fs-laser technology for improved conversion to the THz region
    Presenter: Clara Saraceno


Poster presentation:

  • High-repetition-rate accumulation effects in air-plasma THz sources
    Presenter: Robin Löscher


  • Optical rectification of intense near-infrared pulses at 100 kHz repetition rate in the organic crystal MNA
    Presenter: Samira Mansourzadeh



International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 2024

Oral presentations:

  • Roadmap for the next generation of laser-based, high-power THz-Time Domain Spectrometer
    Presenter: Tim Vogel



Optical Terahertz Science and Technology 2024

Oral presentations:

  • Average Power scaling of THz-TDS based on tilted pulse front method in lithium niobate
    Presenter: Tim Vogel


  • High-power intracavity single-cycle THz pulse generation at 44.8 MHz using thin plates of lithium niobate
    Presenter: Mohsen Khalili


Poster presentation:

  • Microstructured large area photoconductive terahertz emitters driven by a high average power, green femtosecond laser
    Presenter: Mohsen Khalili


SPIE Photonics Europe 2024

Oral presentations:

  • Advances in 2.1µm ultrafast Holmium lasers
    Presenter: Clara Saraceno


High Brightness Sources and Light-Driven interaction Congress

Oral presentations:

  • Novel Ultrafast 2 µm Sources for THz Generation
    Presenter: Clara Saraceno


  • Quasi-stationary hydrodynamics in high repetition rate filamentation
    Presenter: Robin Löscher

HPLSE 2023

Oral presentations:

  • High-power ultrafast 2 µm oscillator
    Presenter: Weichao Yao


PLI Conference 2023

Oral presentations:

  • Advanced ultrafast laser technology at 2.1μm wavelength for material modification
    Presenter: Clara Saraceno


IRMMW-THz 2023

Oral presentations:

  • Repetition rate dependance of high-power THz generation in the tilted-pulse front geometry in lithium niobate
    Presenter: Clara Saraceno 

Poster presentation:


Photonics Asia

Oral presentations:

  • Watt-level femtosecond Ho:CALGO laser at 2.1 μm
    Presenter: Weichao Yao


CLEO Europe:

Oral presentations:

  • High power ultrafast moves into the Terahertz domain
    Presenter: Clara Saraceno
  • Low-noise 2-W Average Power, 112-fs  Kerr-lens Mode-locked Ho:CALGO Laser at 2.1 µm
    Presenter: Weichao Yao
  • 400 kHz repetition rate THz-TDS with 24 mW of average power driven by a compact industrial Yb-laser
    Presenter: Célia Millon
  • Lithium Niobate Based Single-Cycle THz Source with 643 mW of Average Power
    Presenter: Tim Vogel
  • 0.5-μJ, 328-fs KLM Ho:YAG Thin-Disk Oscillator at 2.1 µm
    Presenter: Sergei Tomilov
  • Single-Cycle THz Generation Inside a Modelocked Thin-Disk Laser
    Presenter: Yicheng Wang


Poster presentations:



  • 643 mW Average Power Lithium Niobate THz Source 
    Presenter: Tim Vogel
  • Development of High Power Ultrafast THz Sources and Their Application for Imaging
    Presenter: Samira Mansourzadeh 
  • Intracavity single-cycle THz generation inside a modelocked thin-disk laser 
    Presenter: Samira Mansourzadeh 
  • 400 kHz Repetition Rate THz-TDS with 24 mW of Average Power Driven by a Compact Industrial Yb-Laser
    Presenter: Célia Millon


  • Optical rectification using thin lithium niobate inside a high-power thin-disk laser 
    Presenter: Yicheng Wang
  • Spectral Broadening of 2 mJ Femtosecond Pulses in a Compact Multipass Cell in 
    Ambient Air

    Presenter: Martin Saraceno
  • High-power mode-locked Ho:CALGO lasers at 2.1 µm
    Presenter: Yicheng Wang


  • Spectral Broadening of 2 mJ Femtosecond Pulses in a Compact Multi-pass Cell in Ambient Air 
    Presenter: Alan Omar
  • High-power femtosecond Ho:CALGO laser at 2.1 µm 
    Presenter: Weichao Yao


  • Spectral broadening of 2-mJ ultrashort pulses in a convex-concave multipass cell in ambient air
    Presenter: Alan Omar
  • 8.7-W average power femtosecond Ho:CALGO bulk laser at 2.1 μm
    Presenter: Weichao Yao
  • 50-W, >2- μJ SESAM-modelocked Ho:YAG thin-disk oscillator at 2.1 μm
    Presenter: Sergei Tomilov


  • 1030nm Optimized Photoconductive Receiver Excited >20mW of THz
    Presenter: Tim Vogel
  • New opportunities open by advances in table-top high-power broadband THz sources
    Presenter: Prof. Clara Saraceno
  • Broadband THz-TDS with 5.6mW average power at 540kHz with organic crystal
    Presenter: Samira Mansourzadeh


  • THz Generation With Photoconductive Emitters With a Low-Noise GHz Repetition Rate Laser
    Presenter: Felix Fobbe
  • 5.6 mW Average Power THz Source With 8 THz Bandwidth at 540 kHz Repetition Rate Based on Organic Crystal BNA
    Presenter: Samira Mansourzadeh Ashkani
  • High-Power Excitation of Spintronic THz Emitter in the Back-Cooled Reflection Geometry
    Presenter: Tim Vogel
  • 1030 nm Photoconductive Receiver Excited at >20 mW of THz Average Power
    Presenter: Tim Vogel


CLEO US & Europe

  • Two-color plasma THz transients at 400 kHz repetition rate
    by Dr. Denizhan Kesim, Dr. Celia Millon, M. Sc. Samira Mansourzadeh, Dr. Frank Wulf, M. Sc. Tim Vogel, M. Sc. Alan Omar, Prof.'in Dr. Clara J. Saraceno

  • THz generation in organic crystal BNA at MHz repetition rates
    by M.Sc. Samira Mansourzadeh, M.Sc. Tim Vogel, Dr. Frank Wulf, M. Shalaby, Dr. Clara J. Saraceno



  • Milliwatt-average power broadband THz source at 13.3 MHz repetition rate using diamond-cooled organic crystal BNA
    by M.Sc. Samira Mansourzadeh, M.Sc. Tim Vogel, Dr. Frank Wulf, M. Shalaby, Dr. Clara  J. Saraceno


The European conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics

  • High-Power Broadband THz Source in Organic Crystal BNA at MHz Repetition Rates
    by M.Sc. Samira Mansourzadeh, M.Sc. Tim Vogel, Dr. Frank Wulf, M. Shalaby, Dr. Clara J. Saraceno

  • GW peak power, sub-30-fs pulses from efficient single-stage pulse compressor at 400-kHz
    by M.Sc. Alan Omar, M.Sc. Ahmed Shahwar, Martin Hoffmann, Prof'in Dr. Clara J. Saraceno