Master Thesis at Puls

If you're interested in doing your master thesis within our group, please contact the topics supervisor.

We are offering the following topics:

General Topic: Application of ultrafast laser-driven plasma generation

Supervisor: Dr. Malte Schröder
Starting Date: To be discussed with supervisor

List of tasks:


  • Assisting with currently running experimental campaigns using a high-power ultrafast laser system (500W). Focus on laser-plasma interaction, laser filamentation application, or THz generation/detection.
  • Constructing small-scale experiments/diagnostic setups for larger projects.
  • Evaluation of experimental data.

Candidates with a background in laser or plasma physics are preferred.

Full description

General topic: Nonlinear self-compression of 2-µm ultrafast laser

Supervisor: Dr. Anna Ono
Starting date: to be discussed with supervisor

List of tasks:

  • Simulating pulse compression in fiber with different parameters including input power/duration, fiber length/core size to give an instructive
  • Building and optimizing the fiber-compression stage to achieve sub-10 optical cycle pulses with high overall efficiency
  • Adapting current 1-µm FROG setup to 2-µm wavelength range and characterize the compressed pulse
  • Further extension can be discussed depends on progress

Full description

General topic: High-Power THz sources and applications

Supervisor: M. Sc.Tim Vogel
Starting date: To be discussed with supervisor

List of tasks:

  • Measure different thick GaP samples with Menlo THz-TDS
  • Place these samples in a cryostat to measure the temperature dependent, complex refractive index
  • Evaluation of different refractive index retrieval algorithm

Full description