ID 2/417
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Time-Resolved Measurements of Cumulative Effects in Gas Dynamics Induced by High-Repetition-Rate Femtosecond Laser Filamentation
R. Löscher, M. C. Schroeder, A. Omar, C. J. Saraceno
High peak-power 2.1-μm femtosecond Holmium amplifier at 100 kHz
A. Suzuki, B. Kassai, Y. Wang, A. Omar, R. Löscher, S. Tomilov, M. Hoffmann, C. J. Saraceno
Multi-Milliwatt Average Power Two-Colour Air-Plasma Terahertz Source at 100 kHz Repetition Rate
R. Löscher, M. Schroeder, T. Vogel, A. Omar, A. Hasso, C. Hoberg, M. Havenith-Newen, C. J. Saraceno
Optica Open
Balanced air-biased detection of terahertz waveforms
A. H. Ohrt, O. Nagy, R. Löscher, C. J. Saraceno, B. Zhou, P. U. Jepsen
Optics Letters Vol. 49, Issue 18, pp. 5220-5223 (2024)
High-power sub-picosecond filamentation at 1.03 µm with high repetition rates between 10 and 100 kHz
R. Löscher, V. Moreno, D. Adamou, D. K. Kesim, M. C. Schroeder, M. Clerici, J.-P. Wolf, C. J. Saraceno
APL Photonics 8, 111303 (2023)
Oral presentations:
Poster presentation:
High Brightness Sources and Light-Driven interaction Congress
Oral presentations: