ID 2/417
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400 kHz repetition rate THz-TDS with 24 mW of average power driven by a compact industrial Yb-laser
C. Millon, S. Houver, C. J. Saraceno
Optics Express; Vol. 31, Issue 5, pp. 7922-7932 (2023), 10.1364/OE.476261
Temperature-independent non-linear terahertz transmission by liquid water
C. Millon, J. Schmidt, S. Ramos, E. P. van Dam, A. Buchmann, C. J. Saraceno, F. Novelli
AIP Advances 12, 115319 (2022)
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Two-color plasma THz transients at 400 kHz repetition rate
by Dr. Denizhan Kesim, Dr. Celia Millon, M. Sc. Samira Mansourzadeh, Dr. Frank Wulf, M. Sc. Tim Vogel, M. Sc. Alan Omar, Prof.'in Dr. Clara J. Saraceno