
Laser Colloquium - 141422

The laser col­lo­qui­um con­sists of a weekly event, where re­now­ned spea­kers from aca­de­mia and in­dus­try will pre­sent an ad­van­ced in­tro­duc­tion to their re­se­arch areas. The goal is to get ac­quain­ted with va­rious hot to­pics around laser tech­no­lo­gy.

To full schedule

Summer Semester

Ultrafast Laser Physics 2: Generation and Applications of Ultrashort Pulses - 141423

Be­co­me fa­mi­li­ar with the tech­ni­ques of mo­de­lo­cking and am­pli­fi­ca­ti­on to ge­ne­ra­te ul­tras­hort pul­ses, and get an over­view of the la­test sta­te-of-the art in ul­tra­f­ast laser tech­no­lo­gy and their ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons.

To Moodle

Winter Semester

Ultrafast Laser Physics 1: Basics of Ultrashort Pulses - 141421

Be­co­me fa­mi­li­ar with the de­scrip­ti­on and me­a­su­re­ments of ul­tras­hort pul­ses in the time and fre­quen­cy do­main. Learn how ul­tras­hort pul­ses are af­fec­ted by pro­pa­ga­ti­on through li­ne­ar and non­line­ar media.

To Moodle

Numerical Photonics in Python - 141482

The goal is to use the Py­thon pro­gramming lan­gua­ge to solve com­mon every-day tasks that arise in Pho­to­nics. Sol­ving pro­blems using pro­gramming is the main focus of the lec­tu­re and all tasks will re­qui­re it.

To Moodle